Pop-Up Plant Sale
Our next pop-up Plant Sale will be in the morning of Sunday 10th July on the lower lawns of the Botanical Gardens. Join us from 10.30 to browse a mixture of familiar plants and some very unusual ones, all grown by our volunteers in peat-free compost and offered at reasonable prices.
Last Call: Morton Nursery Trip
It’s not too late to sign up for our Friends trip next week to the splendid Morton Nursery in Nottinghamshire, which specialises in home-grown, hard-to-find shrubs and perennials. We’ll be there in the afternoon of Wednesday 13 July, for a talk about the nursery, tea & cake and some serious plant shopping!
Welcome Carolyn!
We’re delighted to welcome Carolyn Clark as the new Chair of the Friends of the Botanical Gardens. Carolyn was formally voted in by members at today’s meeting (28 June). She takes over from Acting Chair Peter Kohn, who was warmly thanked by our President Sue Kohler for stepping in over the last 8 months.
Tuesday Talk, Tour and EGM
Join us tomorrow (28 June) for a talk on garden pests, a public tour of the Gardens with a focus on early summer flowers, and the election of a new chair for the Friends!
Pop-Up Plant Sale
Our next pop-up Plant Sale will be on Sunday 19th June from 1pm at 75 Dalewood Avenue in Beauchief (S8 0EG). Some familiar plants for sale as well as some very unusual ones, all grown by our volunteers in peat-free compost and offered at reasonable prices.
A Body in the Gardens
Many thanks to local crime author Russ Thomas who joined us for a splendid session last night (13 June). We heard readings from two of his Sheffield-based novels and talked about why he chose the Botanical Gardens as the setting for his best-selling murder-mystery NightHawking.
Earthshot Tour
It was great to welcome two groups to the Gardens for our Earthshot tours, run as part of the Broomhill Festival. If you missed the in-person events, you can still follow the tour digitally at and learn about environmentally friendly practices and activities in the Gardens.
Monday events
Join us on Monday 13th June for lunchtime walks and an evening talk. We’re running two public tours as part of the Broomhill Festival, looking at activities and practices inspired by the Earthshot goals, and then An Evening With Russ Thomas, whose last novel involved a body buried in the Botanical Gardens!
Job Opportunity at the Gardens
Do you know a Sorbus from a Sorbaria? Or a Fagus from a Ficus? And are you passionate about plants? Sheffield Botanical Gardens has recently transferred its plant records onto a new system, IrisBG, and is now looking for a plant records officer to take on the exciting challenge of maintaining the records of the collection of over 4000 different taxa.
Pop-Up Plant Sale
We’re holding one of our pop-up plant sales on Sunday 29th May from 1pm on the lower lawns of the Botanical Gardens. Everyone is welcome!
Tuesday Talk and Tour
Join us on Tuesday (24 May) for our monthly lecture and public walk pairing. Our talk is at 10.30 - a Behind the Scenes glimpse from members of the Chatsworth production team - followed by a woodland walk at 1pm.
Help needed with Events and signage
Laura, our new education and engagement co-ordinator, is looking for volunteers to join two new working groups. One group will work on event planning and organisation in the Gardens, and the other group will develop ideas for interpretation and signage.
Join us at Pollen
We’ll be running a stall at the lovely Pollen Market on Castlegate on Sunday 15 May. There will be lots of garden plants for sale, plus vintage books, heirloom seeds and much else - as well as a chance to chat with the Gardens’ new education co-ordinator Laura from 10am.
Ian Rotherham lecture
Thanks to Prof Ian Rotherham for an expansive lecture on how we can help address the current challenges to the natural world through changing the way we garden. A recording of the lecture is now available in the password-protected Friends Area of this website.
Rewilding your Garden
Our lecture tonight (Monday 9th May) is by Professor Ian Rotherham and will explore how to support nature and improve our own well-being in the way we garden.
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