Lecture Programme
lively speakers and diverse topics make up our year-round programme
Photo Paul Harris/Heritage Open Days.
All our lectures are FREE for Friends of the Botanical Gardens to attend.
We offer a range of live lectures in the purpose-built Dorothy Fox Centre, near the Thompson Road entrance to the Gardens. Our sociable meetings are the perfect opportunity for Friends and visitors to hear an eclectic mix of professional speakers and to exchange news and knowledge, plus hints and tips about gardening and beyond. Specific details of upcoming lectures, including dates, times and topics are posted on this section of the website and brief details are also advertised in our regular newsletter News Shoots and via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Occasionally lectures are still offered via Zoom; these are indicated in the programme and links are emailed to Friends. We are also piloting recording events, with some Zoom and live lectures in the Centre being recorded and made available to Friends, via password-protected area of this website.
All our lectures are FREE for Friends of the Botanical Gardens to attend. Members of the public are also welcome to join us for both live and Zoom lectures, on payment of £5 - see individual lectures for details.
We have guidelines available for speakers and potential speakers about our audience, publicity and payment arrangements, plus some tips for those using Zoom.
For any queries on our lecture programme, please contact us on fobs.lectures@gmail.com.
A chance to hear all about Sheffield’s urban fruit tree nursery workers co-op and tips on what to think about when planting trees including rootstocks, staking, mulching and more