Help needed with Events and signage

Laura, our new education and engagement co-ordinator, is looking for volunteers to join two new working groups. One group will work on event planning and organisation in the Gardens, and the other group will develop ideas for interpretation and signage.

The Events Working Group will get together once a month to make a list of events which are coming up in the next month. They will share the task of putting together a What’s On guide for the month and sharing it with the public and through a communications checklist. This group will also help with event management and delivery – organising key annual events such as Heritage Open Days, National Gardeners Week and providing event support to established events. The group will also decide on requirements for events, such as volunteers required to steward. The development of the existing Tours and Talks programmes can also be supported by this group. If you are already involved in organising events, tours, talks and would find this group useful for sharing or would like to get involved in events support then please join this group.

The Interpretation Working Group will help to make suggestions for the Education and Engagement Project Interpretation planning for exhibitions, trails and signage in the Gardens. This group will look at existing interpretation and provide thoughts about how to refresh it and support the creation of a strategy for development. This group will also help advise on general signage needed in the Gardens and the placement and wording of signage. This group will be vital for exploring how the public of all ages, abilities and backgrounds engage with learning in a self-directed way on site.

Please contact Laura on if you are interested in getting involved.

Examples of events in the Gardens (first photo by Meg Jullien) and current interpretation and signage.


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