Plants, Pleasure and Power
Thanks to Emma, Fiona and Kate from Wessex Archaeology for a fascinating glimpse into the excavations at Coleshill Hall gardens and moat, uncovered as a result of the HS2 project. A recording of the lecture is available to view in the password-protected Friends Area of the website.
Coleshill lecture
Join us for what promises to be a splendid online lecture on Tuesday (2 November), with three speakers from Wessex Archaeology on 'Plants, Pleasure and Power' - sharing the information and insights they have gleaned from excavating the moat and Elizabethan garden at Coleshill Hall.
Jill Thompson
We are saddened to share news of the death of our Chair, Jill Thompson. She passed away peacefully at St Luke’s Hospice during the night of 23 October.
Guided Tour
Join us Tuesday lunchtime (28th October) for one of our public guided tours of the Gardens. For October our special focus will be on emerging Autumn leaf colour.
In-Person Events
We have started cautiously trialling some live events in the Dorothy Fox Education Centre. The first face-to-face lecture we have hosted for 18 months was for Heritage Open Days in September.
Sylvia Travers talk
Thanks to Dr Sylvia Travers for a great online lecture on the building of RHS Bridgewater. A recording of the lecture is now available in the password-protected Friends Area of the website, and includes images of the design plans for the vast walled garden and photos of how the designs have turned out.
Latest ‘News Shoots’ out
The October edition of our regular newsletter News Shoots is now available to view in the password-protected Friends Area of the website. It has information on upcoming events (online and increasingly in person), a new plant recycling scheme, our plant of the month, and news of a change in leadership for the Friends.
RHS Bridgewater Lecture
Join us for our next online talk on Tuesday 19th October with Dr Sylvia Travers, on ‘The building of Bridgewater: breathing new life into old walls’. Sylvia is Team Leader for the Inner Walled Garden at RHS Bridgewater.
Pavilions are Open
We’re delighted to report that the pavilions in the Gardens reopened on 5 October, after being closed more-or-less throughout the pandemic.
New Lecture for Friends
The recording of this week’s lecture on bulbs for year-round colour is now available to view in the password-protected Friends Area of the website.
Bulbs all Year!
Our next online lecture is on Tuesday 5th October at 10.30. Join Gail & John Summerfield of Westshores Nursery in Lincolnshire, who will explain how versatile and adaptable bulbs can be. They’ll be able to suggest bulbs for every month of the year.
Trisha Kohn Lecture
Many thanks to Trisha, expert propagator and Friend of the Gardens, for stepping in at short notice and providing a lively and informative talk on the history and origin of many garden plants.
Plant Origins Lecture
The planned lecture by Advolly Richmond on Tuesday 21 September has been postponed. So instead we are pleased to welcome Trisha Kohn to our lecture programme. Trisha will give an introduction to the origins of some of our garden plants.
Heritage Open Days
We’re running two events this year for Heritage Open Days, both linked with our partner site at Sheffield General Cemetery.
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