What’s looking good now in the Gardens
Photos shared by Friends
Please send us photos of the Gardens to share on this page. Let us know the name of the plant(s) and when and where in the Gardens you took the photo. Send your images to fobs.photos@gmail.com.
Prunus incisa in the woodland, March 2024, by Alison Hunter

Magnolia 'Nigra' by the Rose Garden, March 2024, by Jill Sinclair

Trillium cuneatum in the Long Border, April 2024 by Rod Egglestone

Rhododendron 'Loderi King George' near the Bear Pit, April, 2024, by Rod Egglestone

Paeonia lutea in the Four Seasons Garden, April, 2024, by Rod Egglestone

Magnolia 'Lois' in the magnolia triangle, April 2024, by Alison Hunter

Paeonia mascula subsp triternata in the Four Seasons Garden, April 2024, by Rod Egglestone

Dicentra spectabilis in the Four Seasons Garden, April, 2024, by Rod Egglestone

Acer pseudoplatanus 'Corstorphinense' on the main lawns, April 2024, by Jill Sinclair

Camellia in the Asia Garden, April, 2024, by Rod Egglestone

Meconopsis in the woodland, April, 2024, by Rod Egglestone

Staphylea coulombieri in the Asia Garden, April 2024, by Jill Sinclair

Cerinthe major 'Purpurascens' in the new gatehouse planting, June 2024, by Lloyd Snellgrove

Eryngium bourgatii ‘Picos Blue’ in the Mediterranean Climate Garden, June 2024, by Susan Turner

Cornus 'Norman Haddon', behind the pavilions in the Four Seasons garden, June 2024, by Christine Rose

New planting at the Gatehouse, June 2024, by Rod Egglestone

AGM Border, August 2024, by Rod Egglestone
Lathraea clandestina (purple toothwort), on the Thompson Road Drive, February 2024, by Jill Sinclair
Long Border, November 2023, by Rod Egglestone
Nerine in the Mediterranean Garden, November 2023, by Hilary Hutson
Cyclamen hederifolium, November 2023, by Hilary Hutson
Parrotia persica in the Four Seasons Garden, October 2023, by Jill Sinclair
Four Seasons Garden, September 2023, by Rod Egglestone
Nerine in the AGM Border, September 2023, by Rod Egglestone
Sequoia sempervirens 'Cantab' on the West Lawn, August 2023, by Alison Hunter
East Lawn, August 2023, by Alison Hunter
Kniphofia uvaria seedling in the South Africa bed, August 2023, by Peter Kohn
Victorian bedding from the café, August 2023, by Rod Egglestone
The South Africa bed, Osborn's Field, July 2023, by Christine Rose
Astrantia in the Four Seasons Garden, June 2023, by Rod Egglestone
Rosa 'Falstaff' in the rose garden, June 2023 by Christine Rose
Paeonia ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious’ in the Main Borders, June 2023, by Susan Turner
Rhododendrons in the Asia Garden, May 2023, by Christine Rose
Paeonia x lemoinei 'Souvenir de Maxime Cornu', May 2023 by Christine Rose
Alpine scree bed in the Marnock Garden, May 2023, by Christine Rose
Rhododendrons in the Woodland, May 2023, by Alison Hunter
Rhododendron orbiculare in the Asia Garden, May 2023, by Alison Hunter
Wisteria on the Curator's House, May 2023, by Christine Rose
Davidia involucrata in the Marnock Garden, May 2023, by Christine Rose
Newly restored fountain, April 2023, by Christine Rose
Acer pseudoplatanus 'Corstorphinense' on the main lawns, April 2023, by Jill Sinclair
Bulbinella latifolia subsp latifolia, in the South African bed, March 2023, by Christine Rose
Aloe ferox in the the west dome of the pavilions, March 2023 by Christine Rose
Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Moerloosei’ on the South Lodge, March 2023, Judy Sherwood
Rhododendron 'Christmas Cheer' by the Bear Pit, March 2023, by Rod Egglestone
Snow on the the Main Lawns, March 2023, by Rod Egglestone
Veltheimia bracteata in the west dome of the pavilions, February 2023, by Jill Sinclair
The fountain in the winter sunshine, January 2023, by Delaina Haslam
Hamamelis mollis outside the Main Gate, January 2023, by Jill Sinclair
Clematis cirrhosa 'Freckles' in the Marnock Garden, December 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Meconopsis x complexa rosettes in the Woodland Garden, December 2022, by Peter Kohn
Tecomanthe speciosa in the pavilions, December 2022, by Andrea Jones
The fountain, December 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Cotoneaster horizontalis near the the Main Gatehouse, December 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Aesculus indica 'Sidney Pearce' on the the lower lawns, November 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Pelargonium inquinans in the South Africa border in Osborn's Field, November 2022, by Peter Kohn
Betula utilis var jacquemontii near the rock and water garden, November 2022, by Christine Rose
Lonicera x purpusii near the fountain, November 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Rhododendron 'Christmas Cheer' in the Woodland Garden, by Christine Rose, November 2022
Acer griseum bark, top of the AGM beds, by Christine Rose, November 2022
Protea eximia in the South African bed in Osborn's Field, October 2022, by Peter Kohn
Hamamelis in the woodland, October 2022, by Mark Sinclair
Nerine bowdenii var wellsii in the South Africa bed, October 2022, by Peter Kohn
Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Purple' on the Thompson Road driveway, October 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Euonymus bungeanus 'Dart's Pride' near the Brocco Bank entrance, September 2022, by Jill Sinclair
New planting on the prairie edge, September 2022, by Peter Kohn
Aconitum sacchalinense var yezoense in the prairie, September 2022, by Peter Kohn
Aster × frikartii 'Mönch' in the AGM Beds, September 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Autumn in the Four Seasons garden, September 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Tritonia drakensbergensis in the South African border, August 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Albizia julibrissin in the Marnock Garden, August 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy' in the South African border, August 2022, by Peter Kohn
Agapanthus coddii, August 2022, by Peter Kohn
AGM bed, August 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Protea eximia in the South African border, August 2022, by Peter Kohn
Magnolia grandiflora 'Goliath' in the magnolia collection, July 2022, by Christine Rose
New planting at the Thompson Rd gates, July 2022, by Rod Egglestone
Strelitzia nicolai in the west pavilion, June 2022, by Christine Rose
Viburnum plicatum 'Pink Beauty' in the Marnock Garden, June 2022, by Andrea Jones
Eremurus (probably E. robustus) in the AGM bed, June 2022, by Christine Rose
Victorian bedding, May 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Erythronium dens-canis in the Long Border, April 2022, by Rod Egglestone
Chaenomeles speciosa 'Geisha Girl' in the Evolution Garden, April 2022, by Andrea Jones
Clivia miniata in the pavilions, March 2022, by Rod Egglestone
Magnolia campbelii in the Asia Garden, March 2022, by Rod Egglestone
Iris unguicularis in theMediterranean Garden, March 2022, by Rod Egglestone
Rhododendron campanulatum on the West Lawns, March 2022, by Rod Egglestone
Magnolia liliiflora 'Nigra' near the Rose Garden, March 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Prunus dulcis 'Ingrid' on the Main Lawns, March 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Ribes sanguineum ’White Icicle’ in the Four Seasons Garden, February 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Daphne bholua near the Bear Pit, February 2022, by Les Sturch
Prunus mume in the Asia Garden, February 2022, by Les Sturch
Hepatica transsilvanica in the Marnock Garden, February 2022, by Judith Lievesley
Snowdrops on the Main Lawns, February 2022, by Mark Sinclair
Cyclamen coum in the Woodland Garden, January 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis' on the Main Lawns, January 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Primavera' in the Woodland Garden, January 2022, by Jill Sinclair
Brugmansia in the pavilions, December 2021, by Andrea Jones
Rhododendron 'Christmas Cheer' in the Asia Garden, November 2021, by Andrea Jones
Acer palmatum ‘Osakazuki’ in the Marnock Garden, November 2021, by Christine Rose
Main lawns, November 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Acer palmatum in the Marnock Garden, November 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Lower Lawns, November 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Parrotia persica in the Four Seasons garden, October 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Callicarpa bodinieri in the AGM beds, October 2021, by Susan Turner
Fothergilla major in the AGM beds, October 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Shaggy Parasol (Chlorophyllum rhacodes) near Brocco Bank entrance, October 2021, by Susan Turner
Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Purple' on the Thompson Road driveway, October 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Autumn flowering crocus, October 2021, by Andrea Jones
Cercis 'Forest Pansy' in the Four Seasons garden, October 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Rhus typhina 'Dissecta' near the pavilions, October 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Two asters (Eurybia divaricata, rear, and Symphiotrichum cordifolium), in the North American woodland, September 2021, by Peter Kohn
Fascicularia bicolor in the Mediterranean Garden, September 2021, by Christine Rose
Rudbeckia in the AGM beds, September 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Clereodendrum bungei in the Victorian garden, August 2021, by Andrea Jones
Echinacea purpurea in the North American woodland garden, August 2021, by Peter Kohn
Monarda 'Squaw', AGM beds, July 2021, by Anne Gurnell
Victorian bedding, July 2021, by Anne Gurnell
Saxifraga stolonifera 'Maroon Beauty' in the Marnock Garden, July 2021 by Rod Egglestone
South Africa bed in Osborn's Field, July 2021, by Peter Kohn
Gladiolus 'Prins Claus' in the South African bed, July 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Bedding in front of the South Lodge, July 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Cornus 'Norman Hadden' in the Four Seasons Garden, June 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Rosa × alba 'Alba Semiplena' in the Rose Garden, June 2021, by Christine Rose
Summer bedding in the Victorian garden, June 2021, by Andrea Jones
Paeonia lactiflora 'Bowl of Beauty' in the Four Seasons Garden, June 2021, by Andrea Jones
Paeonia ‘Souvenir de Maxime Cornu’ in the Malus lawn, June 2021, by Susan Turner
Aesculus indica 'Sydney Pearce' on the lower lawns, June 2021, by Christine Rose
Iris 'Jane Phillips' in the AGM bed, June 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Malus transitoria in the Marnock Garden, May 2021, by Andrea Jones
The new North American woodland garden, May 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Rhododendron orbiculare in the Woodland Garden, May 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Meconopsis gakyidiana in the woodland garden, May 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Iris pumila 'Michael Paul' in the Marnock Garden, April 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Anemone nemorosa in the Long Border, April 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Erythronium revolutum in the Long Border, April 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Aquilegia canadensis in the North America bed, April 2021, by Rod Egglestone
The Rose Garden, April 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Rubra' in the Four Seasons Garden, April 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Narcissus bulbicodium in the Marnock Garden, April 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Erythronium 'Pagoda' in the Long Border, April 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Magnolia collection, April 2021, by Keith Bown
Pulsatilla vulgaris near the Brocco Bank entrance, March 2021, by Chris Weston
Magnolia sp in the Magnolia Collection, March 2021, by Chris Weston
Prunus cerasifera 'Pissardii' in the AGM beds, March 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Crocus in the AGM beds, February 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Viburnum opulus 'Notcutt's Variety' in Osborn's Field, February 2021, by Chris Weston
Hellebore in the Marnock Garden, February 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Hellebore behind the Victorian bedding, February 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Sycopsis sinensis on the path to the bear pit, February 2021, by Lucy Jones
Parrotia persica in the Four Seasons Garden, February 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Snowdrops in the snow, February 2021, by Chris Weston
Eranthis hyemalis (winter aconite), February 2021, by Chris Weston
Birch Hill, February 2021, by Jill Sinclair
Helleborus argutifolius by the steps from the main Gatehouse entrance, January 2021, by Sally Kendall
Correa 'Marian's Marvel' in the Mediterranean Climate Garden, January 2021, by Lucy Jones
Chimonanthus praecox (wintersweet) in the Asia Garden, January 2021 by Jill Sinclair
The rock and water garden, January 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Sycopsis sinensis in the snow on the way to the bear pit, January 2021, by Mark Sinclair
The Main Lawns, January 2021, by Rod Egglestone
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Primavera' in the Woodland Garden, December 2020, by Lucy Jones
Pyracantha ‘Saphyr Rouge’ in the Four Seasons Garden, December 2020, by Christine Rose
Rhododendron 'Christmas Cheer' in the Gardens, December 2020, by Lucy Jones
Prunus × subhirtella 'Autumnalis' in front of the pavilions December 2020 by Jill Sinclair
Chaenomeles sp. in the Asia Garden, December 2020, by Lucy Jones
Prunus serrula near the Mediterranean Climate Garden December 2020 by Jill Sinclair
Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena' in the Woodland Garden, December 2020, by Jill Sinclair
Betula pendula 'Tristis' on the lawns near the Rock & Water garden, December 2020, by Jill Sinclair
Steps to the Mediterranean Garden November 2020 by Jill Sinclair
Asia Garden November 2020 by Rod Egglestone
Aesculus indica 'Sydney Pearce’ near the Education Centre, November 2020 by Christine Rose
Autumn Bed, Four Seasons Garden October 2020 by Susan Turner
Euonymus planipes, Evolution Garden October 2020 by Susan Turner
Cornus 'Norman Hadden’, Four Seasons Garden October 2020 by Susan Turner
Autumn Gentian, Marnock Garden October 2020 by Rod Egglestone
Chelone obliqua in the Woodland Garden October 2020 by Peter Kohn
New Woodland Garden October 2020 by Jill Sinclair
Main borders October 2020 by Jill Sinclair
Magpie Inkcaps, Long Border October 2020 by Rod Egglestone
Cobaea scandens, New AGM Bed October 2020 by Rod Egglestone
Towards the Rock Garden, Main Lawns October 2020 by Rod Egglestone
Acer palmatum in the Marnock Garden October 2020 by Kay Keeton
Colletia paradoxa in the Long Border October 2020 by Susan Turner
Lobelia siphilitica in the Woodland Garden October 2020 by Peter Kohn
Winter bedding October 2020 by Jill Sinclair
Four Seasons Garden September 2020 by Rod Egglestone
Autumn Crocus in the Rose Garden September 2020 by Rod Egglestone
White-tailed bumblebee on cardoon in the Herbaceous Borders September 2020 by Rod Egglestone
Autumn crocus in the Asia Garden, September 2020, by Susan Turner
Punica granatum in the Mediterranean Garden September 2020 by Rod Egglestone
Hesperantha in the Herbaceous Borders September 2020 by Rod Egglestone
Salvia patens in the Mediterranean Garden September 2020 by Rod Egglestone
Turk's Cap Lily near the Bear Pit September 2020 by Rod Egglestone
Two viburnums in Osborn’s Field, September 2020 by Susan Turner
Lysimachia clethroides in the AGM bed, August 2020, by Rod Egglestone
Dietes grandiflora in the South African Bed in Osborn’s Field, August 2020, by Rod Egglestone
Paeonia mlokosewitschii in the Main Borders, August 2020, by Rod Egglestone
Delosperma cooperi in the South African Bed in Osborn’s Field, August 2020, by Rod Egglestone
Rosa chinensis ‘Bengal Beauty’ in the Main Borders, August 2020, by Rod Egglestone
Gladiolus dalenii in the South African Bed in Osborn’s Field, August 2020, by Rod Egglestone