Parliament to Plants Podcast
Thanks to political lobbyist Jonathan Sheppard for a highly entertaining talk on his national plant collections, appearance on Gardeners’ World and other experiences as an amateur grower. A recording is available to hear in our password-protected Friends Area.
Courses & Workshops
Our Education and Engagement Programme for the Gardens is now in full swing! Coming up next month is the start of a splendid set of workshops on practical horticulture and floristry, run by Bloom Sheffield.
Denmans Garden Lecture
Thanks to Gwendolyn van Paasschen for a fascinating talk on the history and restoration of the garden at Denmans in Sussex. A recording of the talk is now available for Friends in the password-protected Friends Area of the website.
2023 Day Trips
We’re delighted to be starting up our Day Trips for Friends again, after the hiatus caused by the pandemic. We have four trips planned for this year; two are self-drive and two will be by coach. Details are on the back page of the latest News Shoots, or you can find information in our Events Calendar.
Winter News Shoots
We’ve just published the latest version of our regular newsletter. It contains news and views of the Gardens, our plant of the month for February, news of four day-trips being offered to Friends, the chance for volunteers to sign up for some free training, and much else.
Celebrating Robert Marnock
We’re planning a summer celebration of Scottish designer and horticulturalist Robert Marnock, the designer of the Botanical Gardens and our first curator. Events will take place throughout June this year and will be a mixture of online displays (focused around Marnock's Floricultural Magazine) and in-person activities in the Gardens and elsewhere - talks, walks, exhibitions, plant sales, art sessions, plays, volunteer training, kids’ activities and more.
What’s Looking Good
We welcome photos of the Gardens from Friends, to include on our What’s Looking Good page. Views or pictures of individual plants allow us to celebrate aspects of the Gardens over the seasons and to point visitors to particular places to visit.
Talk on Bees and Bee-keeping
Join us this Tuesday (24 January) for our first live lecture of 2023. We’ll be joined by two local Master Beekeepers, who will share their experience of keeping bees and the importance of providing bee-friendly plants for forage.
Sheffield Heritage Fair
Come and say hello at the Sheffield Heritage Fair over the last weekend in January. We’ll be one of more than 40 heritage groups offering information and merchandise - including some of our Christmas cards at half-price!
Tangled Bank Lecture Recording
Our 2023 lecture programme got off to a great start with a Zoom talk by Dr Harry Watkins, Director of St Andrews Botanic Garden, giving a fascinating, thought provoking and detailed insight into the philosophy and development of their Tangled Bank project.
Time to Zoom!
It’s cold and wet outside, so we’re pleased to be starting up our Zoom lectures again, when Friends can join a series of fascinating talks from the comfort of home. We start next Monday evening (9 January) with a talk on the Tangled Bank at St Andrews Botanic Garden, a project which aims to find ways to conserve plants and teach communities how to respond to climate change and the biodiversity crisis.
Friends Area Password
The password for the Friends Area of this website was changed in late December 2022. The area contains around 30 recordings of previous lectures, available free-to-view for all current Friends. This festive season may be an ideal opportunity to browse the archive and catch up on lectures that you missed, or revisit ones that you particularly enjoyed.
A ‘Great Garden Getaway’
Thanks to this month’s Gardeners World magazine, which includes our Gardens in a feature on the Top 10 free-to-enter gardens in the UK. It’s a great accolade and a tribute to everyone who helps to keep the Gardens looking lovely throughout the year.
Review of the Year
It was great to see so many Friends at today’s Christmas Social, despite the freezing weather. We enjoyed mince pies, a team quiz and a review of 2022. For those who couldn’t join us, a recording of the review is now available to watch in the password-protected Friends Area of the website.
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