Celebrating Robert Marnock

We’re planning a summer celebration of Scottish designer and horticulturalist Robert Marnock, the designer of the Botanical Gardens and our first curator. Events will take place throughout June this year and will be a mixture of online displays (focused around Marnock's Floricultural Magazine) and in-person activities in the Gardens and elsewhere - talks, walks, exhibitions, plant sales, art sessions, plays, volunteer training, kids’ activities and more.   

The celebrations are being organised in partnership with the Gardens Trust, as part of its Unforgettable Gardens campaign, and we hope to involve Marnock sites from all over the country.

If you’d like to help, please contact our education officer Laura on laura.alston@sheffield.gov.uk.

An image of Marnock from his obituary 1889 (left) and the frontispiece of his Floricultural Magazine, 1837.


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