Curator’s Cafe to let
The lease on the Curator’s Café in the Botanical Gardens is currently being advertised by the Parks Service. As the advert says, this is a fantastic opportunity to grow a high-quality business at an established café location in one of the premier parks in the region.
Timothy Walker Lecture
The recording of Timothy’s excellent lecture ‘What have plants ever done for us?’ will be available to view in the password-protected Friends Area of the website until Monday 14th March. It is an entertaining and thought-provoking session on the essential role of plants throughout human history, and the threats to their future.
What have plants ever done for us?
Join us on Monday evening (7 March) for a Zoom talk by Oxford botanist Dr Timothy Walker, exploring our dependence on plants for everything from food to film and from painkillers to paint, and examining the ways in which our exploitation of plants could keep up with demand from an increasing global population.
Tuesday Events
Thanks to Don Witton for a fascinating talk yesterday (22 Feb) on euphorbias and other Spring-flowering perennials - and a big hello to new Friends who joined us for the first time. The talk was followed by our first public tour of the year, when a dozen people joined us to explore winter scents and (stinking) hellebores.
Welcome Laura!
We’re delighted to be welcoming Laura Alston to the new role of Education & Engagement Co-ordinator for the Gardens. Laura has a strong background in delivering education programmes in the heritage sector, and is currently working in a similar role at Sheffield General Cemetery.
Call for Volunteer seed-sowers!
The Friends are looking to expand the group of volunteers who sow and grow on plants for the regular plant sales in aid of the Gardens. So, what does it involve?
TUESDAY Talk and tour
On Tuesday (22 February) we have our first lecture and public tour combo. The lecture is by Don Witton on Euphorbias and other Spring-flowering perennials, and will take place at 10.30 in the Education Centre in the Gardens. It’s free for Friends, £5 on the door for members of the public.
Morton Nursery Trip
Save the date! We’re arranging a trip for Friends to the excellent Morton Nursery in Nottinghamshire in the afternoon of Wednesday 13th July. The nursery specialises in home-grown, hard-to-find shrubs and perennials.
Spring News Shoots
The latest edition of our regular newsletter News Shoots is now available to view in the password-protected Friends Area of the website. Among lots of features, it has information on our new Education and Engagement Co-ordinator, the planned Volunteer Centre in the Gardens, our Plant of the Month, and the latest version of our Programme of Talks and Tours.
Wildlife lecture
Thanks to Kevin Hughes for a fascinating Zoom talk on encouraging rare flora and fauna at Cally Gardens in Southwest Scotland. Kevin gave us lots to think about - his views on the relative environmental impact of coir production and peat harvesting for instance, and the overwhelming benefits for him of stopping pesticide and weedkiller use at Cally.
Cally gardens Talk
Our next lecture is on plants and wildlife at the wonderful Cally Gardens in Scotland. Join Kevin Hughes via Zoom on Monday 7th February at 7.30pm to hear practical tips on combining beautiful gardening with an ethical wildlife friendly approach.
Jill Sinclair Talk
Apologies to those who had problems getting to the Dorothy Fox Centre this morning (25 January) for our talk on the Gardens of India, as a result of the tree felling at the Thompson Road entrance. Our speaker Jill has recorded a version of the talk for those who could not make it in person: a copy is now available to view in the password-protected Friends Area.
Gardens of India Lecture
Join us on Tuesday (25 January) for our first live talk of the year, with garden historian (and Friend) Jill Sinclair exploring 5 centuries of India’s garden heritage. Topics will range from exquisite Rajput palace gardens to Mughal pleasure grounds; from botanical gardens to folk art displays; and from imperial designs by British architect Edwin Lutyens to stark modernism by Le Corbusier.
Indoor Plant lecture
Thanks to Advolly Richmond for a fabulous Zoom talk yesterday on the Social History of Indoor Plants. We roamed from nosegays and strewn herbs through tulipmania, pteridomania and window terraria to today’s fascination with unusual Monstera and the return of the macrame plant holder!
Advolly Talk - Take Two!
Sadly the gremlins got the better of Advolly Richmond’s planned Zoom talk on Monday 10th January but we’re delighted she will be back at 7.30pm next Monday (17th) to start again! The online talk will offer a fascinating insight into the social history of indoor plants.
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