Plant Sales Update

Now it’s Spring, we’re getting ready to start selling some of our wonderful garden plants. Although the usual big sale sessions in the greenhouse are unlikely this year, we have devised three ways for people to buys plants. You can register now to receive lists of specialist, seed-raised plants for sale: email Peter on to receive plant lists by email.

Secondly, we are gearing up to sell a whole host of popular perennials via our online shop. More news as soon as online sales start. And third, we hope to repeat the success of last year’s pop-up sales around the city. We’ll post news on these as soon as restrictions allow.

Most of the plants we sell are raised by our volunteers and all the proceeds are invested in the Gardens.

Drawing of Spring by Miss P.R. Woods, age 6, grand-daughter of two of our volunteers.

Drawing of Spring by Miss P.R. Woods, age 6, grand-daughter of two of our volunteers.


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