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Textiles & Dyes in Nature Public Tour

One-hour long public guided tour at 6pm. Meet at the entrance to the Dorothy Fox Education Centre, at the top of the slope from the Thompson Road gates, off Ecclesall Road. There’s no need to book. You can just turn up.

All tours include a range of sites in the Gardens with a special monthly focus. For August, we’ll be exploring some of the plants and flowers in the Gardens that have been used as textiles and dyes.

This tour will also be offered on Tuesday 22nd August at 1pm.

We encourage people taking the tour to make a £3 donation to the Gardens.

Birch bark, a source of pink dyes. Photo Susan Turner

9 August

Painting With Flowers - Tour of the Gardens

14 August

Diane Clement ‘The narrow road to the deep north - travels in Japan’ live lecture